• Top destinations in Malaysia

    Top destinations in Malaysia

    Places to visit in Malaysia. Today Malaysia has lots of popular tourism destinations. Therefore, a trip to this beautiful country can excite each and every one of us. Let’s see which places stand out from the rest due to their exquisite nature.

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  • How to get residence permit in Spain

    How to get residence permit in Spain

    Applying for residence permit in Spain. If you are interested in moving to Spain, you may need a Spanish residence permit. The citizens of EU countries don’t have to acquire a visa to do so. The same applies to the countries of the European Economic Area.

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  • Ten reasons to relocate to Cyprus

    Ten reasons to relocate to Cyprus

    Why move to Cyprus. Cyprus is an island country in the Eastern Mediterranean. It lies to the southeast of Greece and to the south of Turkey. Cyprus is located between Europe, Asia and Africa. Therefore, it is interesting for exploring.

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  • Things to see in Canada

    Things to see in Canada

    Most popular landmarks in Canada. Located on the northern side of North America, Canada is the second largest country by territory. Mostly covered by tundra, it has a cold climate. It is a highly developed country according to Human Development Index.

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  • Russian visa types

    Russian visa types

    What are the different Russian visas. Russia has the largest natural resource reserves around the globe. Due to that Russia has a great economical power. Furthermore, it is constantly developing throughout many areas including the immigration industry.

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  • Residence permit in Latvia acquisition

    Residence permit in Latvia acquisition

    How to obtain residence permit in Latvia. Latvia is an Eastern European country. With approximately 2 million inhabitants, it is a relatively small country. Latvia welcomes people from all over the world to work, live and enjoy various aspects of the country.

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  • Expat guide for working and living in Malaysia

    Expat guide for working and living in Malaysia

    Malaysia – guide for expats. According to the statistics data provided by Malaysia’s Department of Immigration, the amount of working expats in Malaysia today is approximately one hundred thousand people and this number is growing each year.

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  • How to acquire Israeli citizenship

    How to acquire Israeli citizenship

    Applying for Israeli citizenship. Obtaining citizenship in Israel can be challenging for everyone who is not Jewish or eligible to permanent residence under the Law of Return. Israel is native home to Jews, so any Jew can get Israeli citizenship.

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  • Reasons to visit Azerbaijan

    Reasons to visit Azerbaijan

    Why travel to Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is a growing tourism destination but still remains unexplored even for the most experienced travelers. Nowadays the country is actively encouraging people to come and visit Azerbaijan – the “Land of Fire”.

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  • Famous Singapore hotels

    Famous Singapore hotels

    Best hotels in Singapore. With many beautiful first-class hotels opening up in Singapore each year, you have a choice like never before. Recently many exciting first class hotel projects were finished both by local and international brands.

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  • How to get a Brazilian visa

    How to get a Brazilian visa

    Brazilian visa acquisition procedure. As a foreigner, you must acquire a Brazilian visa to visit the country. Nationals of several countries won’t have to acquire a visa to visit the country. However, there are restrictions on visa free travel as well.

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  • Living in Canada

    Living in Canada

    Canadian lifestyle. Canada is a vast country with varying climate, cultural traditions, and ethnicities. There are several religions as around 20% of people find themselves being religious. Most Canadians are friendly and down to earth.

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