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Tag: Bulgaria

  • Options of becoming a citizen of Bulgaria

    Options of becoming a citizen of Bulgaria

    For individuals seeking to relocate to European nations with developing economies, Bulgaria has grown to be a desirable option. Foreign residents often pursue Bulgarian citizenship because of its favorable tax system, progressive laws, and promising business prospects or satisfying job opportunities. This article examines the numerous routes to acquiring citizenship in Bulgaria: Nationality by birth…

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  • Buying property in Bulgaria as Indian citizen

    Buying property in Bulgaria as Indian citizen

    According to Bulgarian legislation, EU/EEA members are eligible to purchase both the property and the land it is situated on. Non-EU citizens, such as Indians, may only purchase buildings when they want to privately own real estate, not land. Only Bulgarian citizens and legal entities are permitted to own land in the country. Foreigners may…

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  • Applying for a visa to Bulgaria – full guide

    Applying for a visa to Bulgaria – full guide

    Several nationalities, including those from the Schengen district, the US, Australia, and Canada, are qualified to visit Bulgaria without a visa for brief stays.  Residents of countries that are not on the rundown need a visa (pass). Kids younger than six are excluded from the requirement for a visa while going to Bulgaria, regardless of…

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  • Finding accommodation in Bulgaria 

    Finding accommodation in Bulgaria 

    The main draw for many people is the lifestyle that comes with living in Bulgaria. You may unwind by lying on the beach in the summer, skiing in the winter, playing golf, or taking a walk in the mountains. Bulgaria’s broad environment offers a variety of fresh chances. Finding accommodation in Bulgaria can be an…

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  • Main reasons why visa in Bulgaria gets denied 

    Main reasons why visa in Bulgaria gets denied 

    Bulgaria is a country located in Southeast Europe, known for its beautiful beaches, picturesque landscapes, and rich history. However, obtaining a visa for Bulgaria can be a complex process, and there are several reasons why a visa application may be denied. In this response, you will discover some of the main reasons why a visa…

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  • Getting an employment visa: work permit in Bulgaria

    Getting an employment visa: work permit in Bulgaria

    Bulgaria is a well-liked location for expats due to its stable economy, low cost of living, and abundant career prospects. You must make sure that every employee has the proper documentation to work lawfully in Bulgaria if your business intends to grow there or outsource operations there. Bulgarian employment visa categories Foreign nationals wishing to…

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  • Bulgaria: living as a foreigner

    Bulgaria: living as a foreigner

    Expat life in Bulgaria. Bulgaria is located in Southeast Europe and shares its borders with Romania, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, and Turkey. Despite its small size, this European country has a lot of diverse landscapes from glorious mountains to breathtaking plains, hills, gorges, lakes, and deep river valleys.

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  • Bulgaria: tax guide for immigrants

    Bulgaria: tax guide for immigrants

    Expat’s guide on the Bulgarian tax system. Bulgaria is a beautiful country located in South-Eastern Europe. It shares its borders with Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, and Romania. Bulgaria has a total population of 7 million people and Sofia is its capital city.

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  • Bulgaria: cities for the living

    Bulgaria: cities for the living

    Best cities to live in Bulgaria. Bulgaria is the most popular EU country for immigration. There are several reasons why this country attracts people: the lowest tax rates in Europe, cheap property prices, and warm sea climate.

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  • Bulgaria: questions and answers

    Bulgaria: questions and answers

    F.A.Q. about Bulgaria. The Republic of Bulgaria is a beautiful country situated on the eastern side of the Balkan Peninsula in southeastern Europe. The country is popular for its remarkable landscape, scenery, rugged mountains, and modern architecture.

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