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Tag: Property

  • Buying property in Cyprus as Indian citizen

    Buying property in Cyprus as Indian citizen

    Cyprus allows Indians to purchase real estate, however, there are certain limitations. They may purchase one property, no more than 4000 m2, which may be an apartment, a house, or a piece of land. The property parcel shouldn’t be larger than 40 acres. The acquisition of commercial real estate is also possible, but only by…

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  • Buying property in Germany – full guide

    Buying property in Germany – full guide

    The location and kind of property have a significant impact on its price in Germany. There are no restrictions on outsiders purchasing land in Germany, whether they are from EU or non-EU countries. The system of getting a home loan from a German bank is regularly straightforward for the people who live and work in…

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  • Buying property in Belgium as Indian citizen

    Buying property in Belgium as Indian citizen

    It is not against the law for Indians to purchase real estate or a property or take out a mortgage in Belgium. In contrast to non-resident purchases, there are significant tax ramifications for Belgian citizens. You may read up on the rules for Belgian visas for visitors as well as any relevant Belgian taxes. Belgian…

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  • Buying property in Italy – full guide

    Buying property in Italy – full guide

    The Italian real estate market has a wide range of choices, from chic flats in vibrant cities to lovely villas in the countryside. Prices might vary widely determined by the location, size, and state of the property, among other things. Prices tend to be greater in well-known tourist attractions like Rome, Florence, and Milan than…

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  • Buying property in Bulgaria as Indian citizen

    Buying property in Bulgaria as Indian citizen

    According to Bulgarian legislation, EU/EEA members are eligible to purchase both the property and the land it is situated on. Non-EU citizens, such as Indians, may only purchase buildings when they want to privately own real estate, not land. Only Bulgarian citizens and legal entities are permitted to own land in the country. Foreigners may…

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  • Buying property in Ireland – full guide

    Buying property in Ireland – full guide

    Ireland’s real estate market has grown significantly in recent years, making it a desirable location for purchasers. Ireland presents a variety of chances for people wishing to buy real estate due to its robust economy, good investment climate, and high housing demand. To assist you in making educated decisions and achieving your real estate goals…

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  • Buying property in Denmark – full guide

    Buying property in Denmark – full guide

    Non-EU residents in Denmark can purchase a property after residing for five years or with a valid residence or business permit. EU citizens employed in Denmark can buy without a permit. They must obtain Ministry of Justice approval, confirming the property as their primary residence year-round. Andelsboliger You could come across the word “andelsbolig” while…

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  • Buying property in Czechia – full guide

    Buying property in Czechia – full guide

    In addition to purchasing state-owned properties, Czechia nationals may purchase any kind of property here. Presenting their passport as proof of identity enables EU residents to buy property in the Czech Republic. Before, non-EU residents in the Czech Republic could only acquire property through marriage to a citizen or with a permanent stay visa. Now,…

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