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Travel to Russia. Travel attractions, Costs

Russia is a huge country stretching across two continents. It is this statement that allows enthusiastic travelers to consider a possible trip to Russia. Traveling to Russia is safe. Russians are very hospitable and sincerely welcome tourists. In Russia, you can see the signs of the Soviet-era everywhere: giant construction sites, concrete structures, the Kremlin’s ruby stars, and much more. Getting to know monumental Soviet architecture is a great way to enrich your understanding of Russian history.

Travel to Moscow 

What words can describe the capital of the largest state in the world? Majestic, dazzlingly beautiful, moderately mysterious, shining with a special light … In a word, such as Moscow is – the capital of Russia, the “face” of major world power, its political, scientific and cultural center.

A city-state, an invincible symbol of imperial power, an open-air architectural museum, and a multimillion-dollar metropolis sparkling with the cold light of glass skyscrapers – all this is Moscow, so diverse, but captivating in every way.

There are unique features in the image of Moscow, inherent only in it. This is a circular layout that took shape at the end of the 16th century, this is a specific landscape of the city with its hilly relief and steep bends of the Moscow River, these are green areas dividing city quarters. Only in Moscow, from a noisy modern avenue, you can enter a 19th-century side street, see an Art Nouveau house next to the boyar chambers. Walking around Moscow means walking not only in space but also in time.

Moscow is included in the list of the most expensive and beautiful cities in the world. Every year thousands of tourists come here who dream of visiting world-famous museums and theaters, wandering the roads of great poets, writers, and musicians, visiting the estates and estates of Russian princes and emperors, seeing firsthand the magnificent Orthodox churches and monasteries.

Travel to Sochi 

Sochi is an invaluable pearl of the Black Sea coast, bordered by bright green coastal forests and exciting mountains that protect it from the north and south winds. It is the most popular beach resort in Russia, with over 2.5 million vacationers annually. It is here that the summer residence of the President of Russia is located, where he receives the heads of other states at the official level.

Sochi, the second-longest city in the world, is 148 km long, second only to Mexico City (200 km). The boundaries of the city stretch from the very base of the Caucasus Mountains along the Black Sea coast. But tourists come here not only to relax on the beach. Sochi is famous for a wide variety of attractions, both natural and historical and cultural: mountain canyons and underground caves, relict forests and reserves, waterfalls and lakes, dachas of famous people and museums – the list goes on and on.

Travel to Vladivostok

On July 2, 1860, a military post appeared on the Muravyov-Amursky Peninsula, on the shores of the Golden Horn Bay, which later became the city of Vladivostok. Then its military significance for Russia increased. Since 1862 Vladivostok has been called a port. In 1871, the main base of the Siberian military flotilla was transferred to Vladivostok. Fortifications were built to protect the fleet’s base from sea and land attacks. The city was turned into a fortress. The first buildings appeared in the 80s of the 19th century. Work on strengthening and modernizing protective structures has been carried out for over a hundred years. In total, more than 1,300 objects were built. A nautical school was opened to train navigators and ship mechanics.

The city has not lost its military significance to this day. The headquarters of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy is located in Vladivostok and the ships are based.

Vladivostok is the largest port, industrial and scientific center of the Far East. It is called the “Pearl of Primorye”.

Travel to Kazan

Kazan is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan and a major port on the left bank of the Volga. It is one of the largest political, economic, educational, industrial, financial, trade, and tourist centers in Russia.

Modern Kazan is still one of the centers of multinational culture in Russia. The interpenetration of the Western and Eastern mentality creates in Kazan a kind of separate culture of communication, which can be found only here. More than 115 nationalities live in Kazan, but the majority of the city’s population is made up of Russians and Tatars.

Today, Kazan inspires about a million tourists from all over the world to search for new cultural discoveries every year. Among the many sights of the city, the “visiting card” of the city – the Kazan Kremlin – stands out. This is an ancient architectural complex of historical, architectural, and archaeological monuments, which is under the protection of UNESCO.

Travel to Kaliningrad

Kaliningrad is amazing. There are extremely Soviet districts here that evoke melancholy and despondency. There are typically burgher, albeit somewhat shabby, neighborhoods that are so pleasant to walk around, remembering the city’s past. There is an unreal maritime museum, a miraculously restored Fish Village, an amazing Cathedral with the grave of that very Kant, and, of course, the fantastic, beautiful, precious Curonian Spit, which is a couple of hours from the city center.

Initially, a single city did not exist here: there were three completely independent settlements, and the name of Kรถnigsberg was borne by a fortress that stood separately on Prussian soil. It was she who gave the name to the united city. On July 4, 1946, the Kaliningrad Region was formed, and Koenigsberg was renamed Kaliningrad.

Today Kaliningrad (population about 425 thousand) is the largest city and capital of the Kaliningrad region, an administrative and industrial center.

Travel to Saint Petersburg

The famous city on the Neva – St. Petersburg – is a city that you fall in love with at first sight. It has its unique charming appearance, created by the strict and at the same time luxurious architecture of the classicism era.

Only here, in this northernmost of all major cities in the world, you can feel all the romance of the white nights: on these amazing days, the sun drops below the horizon by no more than 9 degrees, and the evening twilight practically merges with the morning.

The Neva is the cradle of St. Petersburg. The most famous architectural ensembles were built along the banks of the Neva. The main squares of the Northern capital are facing the Neva. The architects “dressed” the shores of the “beauty of the north” in granite lace. The Neva has divided the city into parts, which are connected by the famous drawbridges of St. Petersburg. The city on the Neva also has its patron, who is also a landmark of St. Petersburg – Peter I – the Bronze Horseman preserves and protects his city.

St. Petersburg is included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List with 36 complex sites uniting about 4000 outstanding monuments of architecture, history, and culture. It is truly a museum city. The museum world of St. Petersburg is incredibly diverse. These are the world-famous Hermitage, the State Russian Museum with the richest collection of Russian art, the palaces of St. Petersburg, and its suburbs.

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