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Micronesia citizenship; Options of becoming a citizen in Micronesia

Micronesia is a desirable location for any foreigner searching for a calmer way of life. It is located in the Pacific Ocean, with lovely scenery and an excellent tropical climate throughout the year. 

Are you one of the people who want to become a resident of this peaceful and secure country? The following is a list of ways to apply for citizenship in the country. 

Citizenship in Micronesia 

For all official purposes, a citizen of the Federated States of Micronesia, as defined by the relevant provisions of this chapter, shall be referred to as a “Micronesian citizen” or, in the alternative, “Micronesian.” The following are citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia:

  • An individual who acquires citizenship under Article III, Sections 4 or 5, of the Charter,
  • An individual is birthed at any point to parents who are residents of the Federated States of Micronesia. 

Besides getting born in the island country, there is another way to obtain its citizenship: 


Naturalization is the process of conferring FSM nationality on an alien or a non-citizen FSM native. Naturalization methods were previously solely available to outsiders; however, in 2008, Public Law 15-27 made it possible for FSM inhabitants to acquire FSM residents if they abandoned their status in other nations and satisfied other requirements.

7 FSMC 204 outlines the process of naturalization. A linguistic evaluation is required as part of the naturalization process to ensure that the candidate can understand, speak, and talk the tongue of the country in which they live. Naturalization can be revoked under section 205.  

Moreover, per 208, any individual who achieves citizenship by concealing a piece of critical information or making an intentional deception in the application for naturalization shall be jailed for not more than two years or punished by not more than $10,000, or both, if convicted.

Naturalization is a challenging process to complete. Only a few immigrants have been awarded nationality by 1994. 7 FSMC 204 specifies that “before the Government naturalizes an individual as a national of the Federated States of Micronesia, Parliament must make a legislative proposal.

Dual citizenship

Micronesia does not recognize dual nationality. Dual status was, however, acknowledged before the adoption of the charter. As per the legislation, anybody who has dual nationality previous to May 10, 1979, has three years after turning 18 to keep the Micronesian race and relinquish other nationalities. 

Naturalization Responsibilities and privileges

Unless otherwise specified by the Law, individuals who became residents of the Federated States of Micronesia by naturalization have equal privileges and obligations as residents of the Federated States of Micronesia.

Naturalization may be revoked within five years of the finding that it was achieved via the hiding of important information or purposeful deception in the application process. Cancellation must be made through a judicial judgment. When a person’s naturalization is revoked under this provision, they forfeit all personal estate acquired in the Federated States of Micronesia and receive just remuneration for it. Such assets must be disposed of in conformity with the law.

Ending note

If you want to become a Micronesia citizen, you should research the country’s economy and job options beforehand. Micronesia’s GDP spans from agricultural to commercial sectors; therefore, its job market is dynamic and can provide various options. Every year, many opportunities in the service sector become vacant; yet, owing to the island’s high jobless rate, rivalry for positions is intense.

Micronesia’s main businesses are cultivation and fisheries. For generations, the locals have profited from the quantity of pacific tuna fish, now the country’s most precious commodity. If you’ve decided to become a citizen of Micronesia, make sure you complete your investigation on the country’s rules and regulations. To be eligible for naturalization, you must also spend the required number of years in the nation, so be sure you are well-versed in the language and culture.

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