Since Singapore is widely regarded as the ideal place to live, many people fantasize about moving there. Singapore is a modern, orderly Asian metropolis that still has a lot of the elegance from its time as a British colony while still providing a cutting-edge, advanced environment. Due to its strategic location in the southernmost point of Malaysia, the country has grown into one of Asia’s most significant commercial and financial hubs, ranking fifth in terms of GDP. The fourth-largest foreign exchange trading center in the world is located there as well.

5.08 million people, or 70% of Singapore’s population, are of Chinese, Malay, and Indian descent (June 2010).
It has highly severe rules that are upheld in the letter. Although this has given it an image as an authoritarian regime, in actuality they maintain the city’s security, cleanliness, and order.
In Singapore, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, and Taoism are the five main religions practiced.
Singapore as an expat destination
Every year, a considerable number of foreign nationals relocate to Singapore, where there are currently 1.31 non-permanent residents/citizens living there (June 2010). Singapore is renowned as being the most hospitable city in Asia for expats, giving visitors the chance to get to know other cultures in a comparatively secure and up-to-date setting.
Singapore is a terrific place to raise a family, and because there are excellent educational opportunities, affordable domestic help, and high levels of security, raising a family here is frequently simpler than raising a family back home.
This city has a well-known high level of life, and the healthcare options are excellent. Singapore has an extremely low crime rate, and even at night, the streets are secure. Whatever your nationality, you can always be sure to locate fellow expatriates somewhere in the city because there is no shortage of expat organizations and clubs across the city.
Information that is disseminated via TV and media is restricted by the government, which is one of the few drawbacks to living in Singapore as an expat and becoming a digital nomad. However, thanks to affordable and dependable broadband options, expats can simply get over this problem.
Cost of living in Singapore
Although Singapore has a very high standard of living, it can be expensive. Singapore remained among the top ten most expensive cities in the world to live in the 2012 Mercer Cost of Living Survey, rising two spots from the year before from position 8 to position 6. Property prices are relatively high here, whether you rent or buy, which will disappoint expats who are looking for living conditions that are comparable to those they experience in their own country.
Alcohol is also taxed heavily, so expats who enjoy going to pubs and clubs will discover that it is expensive to sustain a social life here. Due to the high taxes placed on cars, owning a car is also quite expensive. Food and groceries are generally relatively affordable, and expats who are willing to eat at neighborhood hawker stalls and shopping mall food courts will discover that they may eat out for very little money.
Mandarin Chinese is the official language of Singapore and is also used by the government of Singapore. English is the most widely spoken language, nevertheless, and it is also the language of commerce. In schools, instruction is typically given in English, but Mandarin is also expected of students. Tamil, Malay, and Cantonese are among the additional languages spoken widely in Singapore.
Singlish is the name of the language that many Singaporeans use to communicate. English people may find it challenging to grasp Singlish, which is a mashup of English and foreign languages. Nevertheless, English speakers rarely have trouble conversing with locals in Singapore.
Climate in Singapore
Due to its proximity to the equator, Singapore has a tropical climate without distinct seasons. It features high temperatures throughout the year, heavy humidity, and a lot of rain. The typical temperature range is 22 ยฐC to 34 ยฐC (72 ยฐF to 93 ยฐF). With rain, humidity rises and frequently reaches 100%. June and July are its hottest months, and November and December are when its monsoon season occurs.
Job & career opportunities Singapore expats
There may be prospects for you in Singapore if you have a high level of education and/or professional experience. The competition is tough for Singapore expats, and it might be challenging to find a job that will sponsor them due to the high level of education among Singaporeans. It is typically advised that persons who are moving to Singapore and who are unable to relocate with their current employer have a job lined up before they get there.
Once in the nation, networking is crucial, and many more people find employment through their contacts than through job adverts themselves.
The banking and finance sectors account for a sizeable share of the employment opportunities for foreigners. Additionally, there are certain job prospects in the electronics, computer technology, and shipping sectors. The trend appears to be increasing despite the recent problems with the global economy.
Key facts every expat should know about moving to Singapore
The facts are:
Fact one
The eastern part of Singapore is warmer and drier. When deciding where to reside, it is important to keep this in mind.
Fact two
Owning a television in Singapore entails payment of a tax (the license fee).
Fact three
Several canine breeds are prohibited from entering the nation. Depending on the building in which you live, there are additional restrictions on the number and kind of animals you are permitted to have.
Fact four
Since left-hand drive vehicles are not permitted in Singapore, importing any kind of left-hand drive vehicle is pointless.