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Cost of living in Cyprus – full guide

Cyprus is an appealing objective for expatriates, offering a charming island way of life and a relatively reasonable cost for most everyday items. Cyprus’ cost for most everyday items is comparable to other European nations like Hungary and Bulgaria. Limassol, the most expensive city on the island, ranks 165th out of 227 global cities in the 2023 Mercer Cost of Living Survey. Despite this, it is still more reasonably priced than many other European cities.

Mountain village on Cyprus.


One of the biggest advantages of living in Cyprus is the affordable rent. There are many different housing options, giving expats several options for the size, style, and price range of their desired Cyprus house. Affordable flats, classic homes in the middle range, and opulent villas are all available as lodging alternatives, accommodating a variety of expat budgets.

Dining out and buying meals

In general, grocery prices in Cyprus are lower than in the UK, particularly for fruit and meat. Although prices are often lower in restaurants as well, expats who are interested in saving money will discover the biggest discounts at neighborhood markets and stores. Expats may save some money and enjoy some of Cyprus’ great cuisines, a cosmopolitan fusion of Greek, European, and Middle Eastern cookery, by choosing smaller local eateries.


Cyprus has no rail infrastructure; hence buses are the main form of public transportation. Although reasonably priced, accessibility and dependability vary by location. While some could be constrained, other regions might have stronger connections and more regular services. Due to these irregularities, expats can discover that getting a vehicle is a more practical and adaptable alternative that enables them to explore the island at their own leisure.


Cyprus gives a wide assortment of recreation exercises for outside nationals, obliging a scope of interests and spending levels. The island has an exuberant social scene, with a wide assortment of bars, clubs, and diners offering a great nightlife. There are several inexpensive choices available for expats wishing to save on entertainment expenditures, while pricing may be higher at more well-known and tourist-oriented venues. Concerts, plays, and regional festivals are often held throughout the year, and they are frequently inexpensive or even free. With its lovely beaches, breathtaking hiking routes, and historical monuments, Cyprus offers a wide variety of outdoor activities. These activities are affordable for expats, allowing them to fully appreciate the island’s stunning scenery and fascinating history.


Cyprus’s public schools are free to attend, and Greek is the language of teaching. Before enrolling their children in a public school, parents who choose this option should thoroughly investigate the quality of each institution. The school’s curriculum, teaching methods, facilities, and general reputation are all things to take into account. Parents of expat children who choose an English-medium education are likely to choose private or fee-paying international schools. Depending on the child’s age, the school, and the educational plan, these prices vary significantly. Planning a relocation to Cyprus requires creating a realistic budget and taking these expenses into account. If they are not already included, it is wise to discuss these perks with an employer as expat relocation packages sometimes include provisions for children’s education.


In Cyprus, there are public and private healthcare systems, both of which provide a comparatively high degree of treatment. Permanent residents of Cyprus have access to free or reduced healthcare at public facilities. Some expatriates may choose private treatment since the public system sometimes has long wait periods for non-emergency procedures or specialty consultations. Consider purchasing private health insurance if you want more flexible alternatives and coverage. Many international insurance companies provide plans made especially for foreigners residing in Cyprus. Before selecting the best alternative for specific requirements and financial restrictions, it is important to evaluate plans, paying attention to the coverage, costs, and possible exclusions.

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