Immigration. Travel. Living.

Asylum: best countries to find the help

  • The countries with the most favorable conditions are Germany, Finland, UK, Canada, and the USA;
  • Slightly less engaging circumstances in Sweden, France, Switzerland, and Norway;
  • With provisions more inferior – Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, Poland.

Application submission

To obtain refugee status in such countries, a person must prove that he is being persecuted in his home country:

  • By race or nationality;
  • Political or religious views;
  • By social status.


The threat to health or life must be actual and supported by all available evidence. It is sufficient to demand refugee status instantly when crossing the border – at the airport or seaport, or upon arrival in the country on a tourist or guest visa.



This country is an excellent option for asylum – refugees can get all kinds of help. True, the authorities will take a long time to consider the application of a foreigner for obtaining refugee status. Which complicates the employment process. It must take three months from the date of submission of the application before the work permit can be issued. It is issued for a year with further renewal. After two years of residence in the country, a foreigner can obtain a permanent residence with the possibility of traveling abroad.


Refugees are entitled to the following living conditions:

  • You can visit courses outside the camp of residence to gain new qualifications;
  • Children of refugees are enrolled in school;
  • Receiving benefits.


Asylum in Germany

An immigrant with alien status in Germany receives practically the same rights as its citizens. A wide range of social assistance is provided to refugees. Therefore, many people from countries with unfavorable social situations are trying to leave here.

So, even before receiving the status, potential refugees can be granted:

  • Social benefit, which for 2017 was 395 โ‚ฌ;
  • Temporary housing;
  • The right to study and work.


After obtaining the status, foreigners permanently receive the rights to:

  • Free training in state institutions, including universities;
  • Social benefit;
  • Business and employment;
  • State medical insurance is free of charge.


And after eight years of living in the country, they can obtain German citizenship.


Great Britain

A large number of refugees in the UK comes from the Middle East and Africa. Recently, migrants from Ukraine and Syria have been arriving in this area. It is not easy to get refugee status in the UK. Many people come to Sweden because the social protection system is very good and the benefits are generous.

Pros of immigration under the refugee program:

  1. Significant acceleration and simplification of the adoption procedure and receiving the status of a citizen of the country.
  2. Social support from the state.
  3. The English language that many people know.
  4. Free secondary education and medical care.
  5. Providing housing while waiting for a decision.
  6. Family members of the refugee are entitled to relocation to the UK.
  7. Enrollment of a British passport, with which you can migrate to other states.


At the same time, there are also disadvantages:

  1. Refugees cannot legally find employment. An application for a work permit can be obtained only 6-9 months after filing an asylum application. And the amount of the allowance is not so high for living in this country.
  2. If the migrant is not recognized as a refugee for the first time, you will need to re-apply for status.
  3. Today, the UK’s immigration policy is tightening, and it is becoming more challenging to obtain refugee status.


Asylum in Canada

In Canada, the governments are regularly developing refugee assistance programs. Here, candidates from another country can include such assistance:

  • Upon entry, the alien will be accommodated in short housing;
  • They will give them money so that they can find and equip housing;
  • Provide support in critical situations.


After evaluating the application, the government’s resolve in which state to settle them. Funding for the aid program comes from the federal budget. Credits may be issued for living in a new place or obtaining real estate:

  • When issuing a mortgage, the needs and potentialities of loan payment are taken into account;
  • A loan can be taken for such purposes as paying for medical assistance, paying duties, and buying air tickets.


After the first interview, the person can be provided with both financial assistance and social support. Every refugee has the opportunity to obtain a work permit. If a person does not know the state language, he can go to specific language courses or courses to obtain new working abilities. While the petition is being analyzed, children of emigrants can study free of charge.

After an immigrant receives refugee status, he is issued a Convention Refugee card, which gives him the right to reside in the country. After 3 months, he can employ for permanent residence with the award of citizenship. The term for its deliberation is at least 1.5 years.



An alien with refugee status can live in the United States for an interminable period. Refugees are provided with housing and assistance in matters related to employment, the placement of children in educational institutions, and the calculation of pensions. When obtaining a work permit, you can find a good job. An allowance is also provided for each family member, and a pension is paid to disabled immigrants.

The refugee and family members can experience a medical exam, and a family doctor is assigned to them. If you want to take out a loan, the civil authorities are available to help.

Material support is provided to foreigners at the beginning when assigning status and the first few months before employment. The amount of the benefit is on average from $ 200 to $ 400. And the legal stay in the country implies that a person is registered with the employment service, where he is issued unemployment benefits.

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