Unless they come from one of the nations whose citizens are entitled to a visa on arrival, visitors to Taiwan must get a visa or permit in advance. All guests must have a passport that is valid for at least six months.

Reasons for Taiwanese visa denials
Several supporting papers are required when applying for a visa to Taiwan. The conditions for obtaining a Taiwan visa vary based on the destination and the reason for your trip. However, there is a required set of papers that everyone must possess. Before you plan to travel, you must apply for a visa from your home country. However, a few of the grounds for rejecting your visa application are as follows:
Unsatisfactory Taiwan visa request form
The application form must be completed to get a Taiwan visa. The online form must be filled out, printed, signed, and sent with the other required papers to the Taiwan diplomatic mission. This is a key criterion for the visa, and if the application form is not correctly filled out, the visa may be rejected.
Passport invalidity
Your original passport must be provided, and it must still be valid after entering Taiwan for at least another six months. Additionally, the passport must contain at least three blank pages on which the Taiwanese government may mark your arrival and departure and attach your visa. You could also be asked to provide photocopies of the necessary passport pages, including the ones containing your name, address, passport number, expiration date, and any prior visas. Some diplomatic offices could also request copies of any prior visas you may have held. Visas are immediately denied if a fraudulent, damaged, or invalid passport is shown.
Photos that don’t adhere to the picture specifications
If your pictures don’t meet Taiwan’s criteria, your visa will be denied. Include two recent images of yourself taken within the last six months with your application. Unframed, 35 mm by 45 mm. Your face must be 70 to 80% of the photo. Must show shoulder tops. It must be a colored image on premium photo paper with a white backdrop. Maintain a neutral face and close your lips. You must keep a straight posture and face front (not tilted). Your eyes must be awake. No white clothing or ostentatious jewelry, unless for religious reasons. It mustn’t cover your face. Glasses are not advised. If you must wear them, don’t cover your face or eyes. Tan lenses are banned! The image should be clear, not hazy.
No travel tickets or itinerary
You must provide a confirmed airline ticket with the dates of your entrance and exit from Taiwan as part of the documentation needed to get a visa for Taiwan. The visa will be rejected if this is not provided.
No evidence of lodging in Taiwan
You must provide documentation showing where you plan to stay when visiting Taiwan. This might be a letter from your host (if you are visiting someone), a confirmed hotel reservation, or another sort of tourist lodging. Your visa would be rejected if you didn’t have any documentation of accommodations.
No evidence of enough financial resources
You must also be able to demonstrate that you can sustain yourself financially while you are in Taiwan as part of the visa requirements. Original bank statements from the previous six months that have the bank’s stamp and have a sufficient balance are required. Fake financial records are automatic grounds for the refusal of a visa. Additionally, your visa would be rejected if your funds could not support your trip to Taiwan.
Absence of crucial papers
Depending on the reason for the trip, applicants must be able to provide the relevant supporting documentation; otherwise, the visa request will be rejected. People traveling for job-related reasons must produce a letter, signed and sealed, from the employer verifying the employment. A school ID card and a letter from the institution verifying enrolment must be submitted by the student. Minors who travel by themselves must also be able to provide proof of consent from both parents.