People who immigrate to another country in order to find gainful employment are called “immigrant workers”. People migrate for a variety of reasons, including safety from political or economic unrest at home, the desire to be closer to family members already residing in the new nation, or the search for better employment prospects. Many countries rely heavily on the contributions of their immigrant workforce. They could find work in the medical field, the hospitality industry, the building trades, or the agricultural sector, among others. Jobs in the gig economy, such as ridesharing, food delivery, and online freelancing, tend to be on-demand and short-term, making them ideal for immigrants

The difficulties they face
It might be difficult for immigrants to get their footing in a new country’s job environment. They may have trouble finding work and earning a living wage for a variety of reasons, including a lack of legal status, language challenges, and prejudice. Supporting immigrant workers, however, can assist to develop economies and communities because of the unique skills and views they bring to the workforce.
It can be challenging for immigrant workers in the gig economy to make a living and provide for their families due to the many obstacles they must overcome. Among the difficulties are:
Language barriers
It can be difficult for immigrants to find jobs and make a living salary if they are unable to communicate effectively with clients and potential consumers. This is because they do not know the language of their new nation.
Immigrants may experience racism and other forms of prejudice because of their race, ethnicity, or country of origin. As a result of this bias, they may have a harder time securing employment, negotiating pay, and climbing the corporate ladder.
Many immigrant gig economy workers may not have legal status in their new nation, limiting their access to certain types of work and legal protections for their wages and working conditions.
Lack of legal status
Immigrants in the gig economy may be exploited by unscrupulous employers that give them minimal wages, refuse to provide health insurance, and make them work long shifts without rest breaks.
It can be difficult for immigrant workers in the gig economy to provide for their families if they do not have access to standard benefits like health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.
Limited access to benefits
The insecurity of contract work means that it can be hard for immigrant workers to provide for their families. They may be especially susceptible to market fluctuations and economic downturns.
Domestic security
Some forms of freelancing require traveling to the homes of clients (cosmetics sales, housekeeping), while others necessitate picking up and delivering items (catering, laundry). Businesses must, therefore, take extra measures to safeguard their employees. Here, a mobile device comes in handy. The Banglalink Emergency app allows people to instantly send SMS alerts to loved ones in the event of an emergency. A simple win for businesses and a significant benefit for employees would be to incorporate apps like these into platform technology.
Data privacy and confidentiality online
On-demand services extensively store users’ personal information, financial details, and other sensitive data in detail. Since many refugees already feel unsafe and unprotected in their new communities, this is a valid concern. In order to safeguard the safety of their employees and their customers, businesses must allay workers’ fears about data privacy while yet allowing service providers to do appropriate background checks.
Ability to read and write digitally
There may be a lack of digital literacy among workers, as many of them do not have cell phones. Refugees have restricted access to the internet in both camps and cities because of poor Wi-Fi infrastructure and spotty network coverage, furthermore, women’s digital inclusion is hindered by traditional gender roles. It is possible that refugee women will be hampered in their use of these platforms as more and more businesses move them online and away from SMS or phone-based alerts of work. In order for the gig economy to be inclusive, policies should aim to remove these social and institutional barriers.
Take away
As a whole, the difficulties immigrant workers face in the gig economy can make it hard for them to establish a secure financial future. Policies and programs offering language assistance, legal safeguards, and access to benefits can aid immigrant gig workers by addressing these obstacles.
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